
Monday, May 25, 2009


ULRWI to Engage in Chilies Export

By Bill E. Diggs

The United Liberia Rural Women Incorporated (ULRWI) on Monday, May 25, 2009, conducted a fund raising program for the initiation of an agricultural project which cost approximately US$100,000 in other to help promote national growth, rural economic empowerment and development and poverty reduction potentials.
Ms. Stephenett C. Weah, chief of section, Ministry of Gender and Development, during the reading of the overview, said that though the Non-Traditional Export sector of the Liberian economy has great impact on national growth, development and poverty reduction potentials, it remains gravely under develop and its activities are uncoordinated in terms of having a sustainable production base.
She further said that the ULRWI have been able to identify an unlimited market for chilies pepper in the UK (Britain) through the Export Promoters (Liberia) incorporated (EPI).
“Export to this market,” she said, “could provide a sustainable source of income and job opportunities for members of the ULRWI.”
The URWLI requested from the EPI to engage in the production of Bird eye chilies pepper under an Export Production Village (EPV) scheme. The scheme ensures a well organized and coordinated export production.
She averred that the project is focus on developing a sustainable and vibrant supply base to meet exports demand in medium term.
She added that the project will contribute to rural economic empowerment and development, poverty reduction, an increase in export earnings and building the productive capacities of the farmers to partake in international trade of goods and services.
In her remarks at the program, Madame Korpo Howard, president of ULRWI, stressed that though rural women are the most effected group in post conflict Liberia, they are capable of bringing Liberia to its top.
Madame Howard called on all Liberian as well as those are in sympathy with Liberia to come to the rescue of the ULRWI. She further urged that men should not sit back and view this in initiative as a women’s thing but to get involve ant help support the project.
In an interview with the multimedia which attended the program, Madame Howard said that the project will begin as soon as possible.
“We already have people clearing 30 acres of land in Margibi for us to start planting on. We will soon build the stand on which we will sun dry the Bird eye chilies pepper,” she acknowledged.
Madame Howard expressed her ambition to begin building schools throughout the fifteen counties to enable members of the ULRWI as well as their children to get in school.
The program was successful in rising at least L$ 755 and US$ 247 in cash, L$40,000 and US$100 in pledges and rain boots for the farmers. The total fund raised at the program was but only a minute part of the proposed US$100,000 needed fund.

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